Short Audio Lessons for your practice

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Daily greetings in Bakweri

Elele ya gbamu or Elela gbamu

(Good Morning)

Nmerze mo gbamu

(Good day or Good afternoon)

Ngombe ya gbamu or Ngombe gbamu (Good evening)

O wurzeli e? (Are you well?)

Woma yahwa e? (Is the day dawn?)

Woma tana e? (Are you better?)

General salutations

Ne o nangeli

(How did you sleep?)

Na nageli gbamu 

(I slept well- response)

O nageli gbamu?

(Did you sleep well?)


Imba na hwelehe ndi

(I am called)

Lina la ami li hwelehe ndi

(My name is called)

Lina la ami li hweli ndi

(My name is)

Na hweli ndi (I am)

Hwa no hwele ndi (They are called)

Human Anatomy

Counting from number 60 onwards

60.Mènì mòtohwa -60

61.M è n ì m ò t o h w a n à y ɔ̀ k ɔ -61

62.Mènì mòtohwa nà hwehwàkɛ -62

63.Mènì mòtohwa nà hweyawò -63

64.Mènì mòtohwa nà hwenìi -64

65.Mènì mòtohwa nà hweta -65

66.Mènì mòtohwa nà mòtohwa -66 67.Mènì mòtohwa nà lìrzàmba -67 68.Mènì mòtohwa nà wàmbì 68

69.Mènì mòtohwa nà lùùwa -69

Counting from 1 to 100

Please refer to the section in book 1 for the spellings

Names of animals

Pronouns and verb use

Nà ma la-I have eaten
I ma la- We have eaten 
A ma la- He has eaten 
O ma la- You have eaten 
Hwa ma la- They have eaten 
Nà lelì nà la- I am eating 
Nà hwelì lì la-I am eating
Nà rza la- I won’t eat
Na ò la- I will surely eat
Nà rzi leli- I haven’t eaten
Nà rza la hvɛ- I won’t eat again 
Nà hwɛni lì la- I have to eat.
Ò hwelì mòlaàkò- You like eating 
Ò hwelì ndi molaàkò- You like eating or you like food.

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Self-Paced Video Lessons for Easy Learning